Sir David Davis comments on the introduction of vaccine passports
As published by The Daily Express:
DAVID Davis insisted the introduction of mandatory passes would not solve the problem of Covid infections as he outlined that there is still a 50 per cent risk of vaccinated people contracting the virus.
David Davis suggested that the introduction of vaccine passports will only give people a false sense of security as the risk of contracting the virus is still as real as ever. The Tory MP claimed that vaccination may decrease the risk of hospitalization and death to 90 per cent but emphasised that there is still a 50 per cent chance of being infected with the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. In England, people may soon be required to show their Covid status as new coronavirus measures are being introduced after prime minister Boris Johnson set ‘Plan B’ restrictions in place yesterday.
Mr Johnson also warned that there will be a ‘national conversation’ about mandatory vaccination for the UK as vaccinated people should not be punished with lockdowns and imposed other bans just because others refuse to get jabbed.
Vaccine passports are already mandatory in entertainment venues to tackle the rise of the new Omicron variant across the country but they could soon be mandatory in a bid to force everyone to take the jab.
Mr Davis also stressed that vaccination protects each person individually first and foremost.
Speaking to Robert Peston on ITV, David Davis said: “Vaccination protects you primarily.
“There is a 90 per cent reduction in hospitalization risks, 90 something reduction in death risks. But it only cuts the risk of infection by about half.
“So there is a real danger that you give people vaccine certificates and they then sort of think they are safe now. But actually they are not, they are not. And 5,000 people go to a sort of event and some of them will be infectious. So, you are doing something which could absolutely backfire.”
To control the spread of the Omicron variant the Prime Minister announced that people must work from home if possible and that face masks will become a legal requirement in most public indoor areas from Friday after nearly five months when they were not.
For some people, the new measures were just a way of deflecting the attention from his Christmas party scandal at Number 10 in Downing Street a year ago.