David Davis writes his Christmas greeting in The Goole Times


As in The Goole Times;

“Once again the festive season is upon us and I would like to take this opportunity wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

Whilst 2012 has been a tough year for the area, by pulling together, local MP’s and organisations had some successes.  The reduction in the Humber Bridge toll is just one example. We also successfully challenged the Government’s plans to introduce the so called ‘caravan tax’ putting party interests aside to protect the interests of the region.

I am pleased that the workers of BAE in Brough are in a better situation going into 2013 than was feared at the beginning of 2012. We are still fighting hard to ensure that we will still be making aircraft there for many years to come.

This year has been marked by the success of the London Olympic ceremony. Olympic fever touched every part of the country. When the Olympic Torch came to the region, carried by many wonderful people; not least my remarkable constituent Jack Franklin, it was a wonderful morning with residents out on the street cheering him along.

Whatever your plans over the Christmas period, I hope all of you will enjoy spending time with family and friends, and that your celebrations are happy and relaxing.

I hope that 2013 promises to be a year of positive news and look forward to continuing to work hard in the best interests of all my constituents.  I wish everyone success in all your endeavours for the year ahead.”