Sir David Davis writes for ConservativeHome about the Prime Minister’s speech at Conservative Party Conference 2023

Posted in Articles

As published on ConservativeHome The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees possibility in every difficulty. The announcements set out by the Prime Minister in Manchester have confirmed that he is an optimist, unafraid to take difficult decisions that will ultimately drive our country forward towards a brighter future. The decision that the […]

Sir David Davis says HS2 must be scrapped

Posted in News

Boris Johnson is facing increased pressure to pull the plug on HS2, after a leaked version of Doug Oakervee’s report suggested costs could spiral to £106 billion. Former Brexit Secretary David Davis said that the “white elephant” project “must be scrapped” in order to invest in other regional infrastructure. The Prime Minister is faced with […]

Sir David Davis asks question regarding the cost of HS2

Posted in TV/Video
Sir David Davis asks question regarding the cost of HS2

Sir David Davis asks the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State from Transport, Andrew Jones, about the cost of HS2 compared to the replacement of all current rolling stock in the UK.